What are the rules?
Key Learnings
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The full list of prohibited substances and methods is updated every year and it is the player’s responsibility to know what is allowed and what is banned.
The golden rule for all athletes is the principle of strict liability, which implies that athletes take full responsibility for what they ingest.
As an athlete you cannot refuse or disrupt a doping control test.
Sanctions for violating anti-doping regulations may range from a reprimand to a lifetime ban.
Betting on basketball is strictly forbidden for basketball players.
Never share inside information
Always report to FIBA any fact or suspicion concerning match fixing by using the reporting tool on FIBA’s website.
Every person in sport, in every role, has the right to participate in an environment that is fun, safe, and healthy, and to be treated with respect, dignity and fairness.
All forms of harassment, vilification, and abuse, be it physical, professional, or sexual, and inflicting, facilitating, or tolerating any non-accidental physical or mental injuries are strictly prohibited by FIBA.
Anyone with knowledge of abusive conduct (not only the person suffering it) has the right and moral obligation to notify and formally complain.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment means unwanted and unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical. This form of harassment may be intended or unintended and legal or illegal. It happens in all sports and at all levels, with an increased risk at the elite level.

The underlying aspect of sexual harassment is that it is based upon an abuse of power and trust and that is considered by the victim or a bystander to be unwanted or coerced. In sport, sexual abuse often involves manipulation and entrapment of the athlete. The physical and psychological consequences of sexual harassment and abuse are significant for the athlete, their team and for the health and integrity of sport in general.

Often perpetrators of sexual harassment are in positions of power such as coaches and other members of athletes' entourage. However, coaches are not the only perpetrators. In fact, peer athletes harass athletes more than coaches. While it is expected and seen that more males than females are perpetrators, this could be due to the larger percentage of males in positions of power in sport. In fact, it is not solely males who are the perpetrators. For example, a recent study exploring sexual harassment of females in sport, has found that 34% of women had experienced sexual harassment from men and 12% from women.

Sexual harassment takes time to happen. Grooming is a precursor to sexual approaches and involves building trust, gradually pushing back the boundaries of acceptable behaviour, and slowly violating more and more personal space through verbal familiarity, emotional blackmailing, and physical touching. Often there are early signs in the relationship between the coach and player of the potential for abuse to occur.