Cómo gestionar su carrera profesional
Aspectos fundamentales
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Fijarse objetivos claros y precisos lo ayudará a concentrar sus esfuerzos y lo orientará en la dirección correcta.
Si usa su tiempo con eficiencia, será mucho más fácil alcanzar sus objetivos.
Tomar buenas decisiones es fundamental para el éxito, ya que gran parte de lo que pueda ganar dependerá de su reputación dentro y fuera de la cancha.
Al estar en público, siempre esté consciente de su entorno y nunca pierda de vista que es una figura pública que representa al baloncesto.
Los consejos de los demás son solo uno de los diversos aspectos que debe tener presentes al tomar una decisión; no tome decisiones únicamente en función de los consejos que reciba. En última instancia, la responsabilidad por las decisiones que tome será suya.
Crear una red de contactos es el arte de establecer alianzas y puede ayudarlo a conseguir trabajo, encontrar un patrocinador, hacer nuevos amigos, aprender cosas nuevas, etc.
Prepararse es fundamental para establecer redes de contactos que sean útiles.

The 30-second elevator pitch

Being able to explain who you are, what you offer and what you want to achieve is an important skill for effective networking. A 30-second elevator pitch gives you a good start when meeting someone and can get conversations moving in your favour.

  • What it is

A 30-second elevator pitch is a short “speech” designed to pique the interest of a group, company or individual. It is a brief description of yourself, the skills and experience you offer, and any special or unique information related to your interests – which can be expressed easily in 30 seconds, the amount of time you would have if you were on an elevator with someone. It is not a life story. Your goal is to get your audience to ask additional questions, look at (and not just file) your resume, or take a general interest in learning more about you.

  • Why it is important in networking

The 30-second elevator pitch is an opportunity for you to quickly and succinctly highlight particular skills or characteristics that are interesting and help you stand out in a competitive job market.

  • What it should include

The pitch should demonstrate how you are unique. It should include a brief introduction and what you can offer the group, company or team. The best pitches contain two or three important skills or abilities related to the group you are speaking to backed up by illustrative examples.