Comment gérer ma carrière
Points clés
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Se fixer un objectif clair et précis permet de se concentrer sur les efforts à déployer et d’aller dans la bonne direction.
En utilisant mieux votre temps, vous pourrez atteindre vos objectifs bien plus facilement.
Pour réussir, il est essentiel de faire de bons choix car l’essentiel de votre potentiel financier est lié à votre réputation à la fois sur le terrain et hors terrain.
En public, soyez toujours conscient de votre environnement et souvenez-vous que vous êtes une figure publique et un représentant du basket.
Écoutez les conseils des autres,mais uniquement comme des avis supplémentaires; votre décision finale ne doit pas entièrement reposer sur ces conseils. En dernière analyse, chaque décision vous revient et vous en êtes seul(e) responsable.
Le réseautage est l'art de créer des relations ou alliances et peut vous aider à obtenir un emploi, trouver un sponsor, vous faire de nouveaux amis, avoir de nouvelles idées, etc.
Dans ce domaine, la préparation est essentielle car elle permet d’optimiser vos efforts.

Types of goals

You can set goals for almost everything. The best is to divide them by time slots:

  • Season goals (Short-Term)
    Your short-term goals, or seasonal goals, should help you achieve your career goals. For example, to play for your National Team you may need to be the best defensive player of the season, improve your shooting percentages, etc. Create a 1-year plan, 6-month plan, 1-month plan, and even 1-week plan to progressively achieving smaller goals. It might be useful to create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today to improve and reach that season goal.
  • Career goals (Mid-Term)
    These could include your whole career, or a shorter period (e.g. 5 years). It could be things such as playing for your National Team, for a certain club or league, being the best shooter, or becoming the player with most 3-pointers in the history. Whatever career goal you set, make sure to work towards it.
  • Lifetime goals (Long-Term)
    What would you like to achieve in life? Setting lifetime goals gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making.


Consider the following categories:

    • Career (post basketball): what would you like to be after playing basketball? Would you need to have educational background to achieve it? What steps should you take today to achieve that job tomorrow?
    • Financial: how much do you want to earn and by what stage? Try to relate it to “Career”.
    • Education: is there any knowledge that you would like to acquire in life?
    • Family: do you want to be a parent? By which age? How do you want to be seen by your children?
    • Physical: how do you want to look like at age 60? How can you achieve that goal?