Quelles sont les clés du succès ?
Points clés
1 de 7
Préparez vous à vivre dans un nouveau pays: renseignez-vous sur la langue, le climat, le logement, les normes sociales, etc.
Minimisez le choc culturel en prenant le temps de découvrir votre nouvel environnement culturel et de comprendre les coutumes locales.
Sachez vous présenter dans n'importe quelle situation afin de toujours faire bonne impression, ce qui vous permettra de vous distinguer et de bâtir des relations professionnelles plus solides.
Pour faire un exposé réussi, gardez trois choses à l'esprit : faites un exposé bien structuré, connaissez votre public, et sachez intéresser votre public.
L’utilisation de supports visuels forts ou percutants graveravos messages dans la mémoire de votre auditoire.
Soyez encore plusprofessionnel(le) dans le domainerelationnel et social (attitudepositive, comportement,apparence extérieure) afin de projeter une image encore plus positive de vous-même.
Le professionnalisme nécessite efforts, implication et discipline, mais en adoptant des habitudes professionnelles et en vous efforçant de les garder en toutes circonstances, vous aurez davantage confiance en l'ensemble de vos capacités, ce qui pourrait par ailleurs déboucher sur des opportunités professionnelles plus intéressantes.

Phases of culture shock

Those experiencing culture shock go through distinct phases that can be ongoing, or only appear at certain times.

  • Stage 1The honeymoon stage
    At the beginning, all the new things encountered might be interesting, wonderful, or even exciting. This feeling will slowly decrease and change to the next phase.
  • Stage 2The disillusionment stage
    The negative effects of culture shock come into play. You will start encountering difficulties or differences in your daily routine. You will feel discontent, impatient, angry, or sad. As an effect, you will, most probably, compare where you are living to your home country in an unfavourable way.
    Culture shock will happen gradually. Understand that it will take you some time to understand your new culture and to adapt to it.
  • Stage 3The understanding stage / Enlightenment
    You will start understanding your host country’s culture and why people act like they do. You will get more familiar with your environment, making you feel less lost. Finally, you will get the feeling of wanting to belong, finding ways to slowly overcome the differences.
  • Stage 4The integration stage
    You will understand the goods and bads of your host country. Besides, you will finally overcome the differences and start to have a feeling of belonging.
    This stage will be only experienced if you are staying for a very long period of time.
  • Stage 5The reverse culture shock
    The longer you live and work abroad, the more accustomed you will become to your way of life in your new country. So, when the day comes that you move back to your home country, you may be surprised to experience what experts call “reverse culture shock.” It has 4 phases:
    • Phase 1Disengagement. This stage starts before you leave for home. You may experience a range of emotions – sadness to leave friends and teammates, excitement to see family again and uncertainty about what is in your future.
    • Phase 2Initial euphoria. You will be excited to see family and friends and share your experience with them. This stage occurs shortly before leaving for home and it often ends when you realise that most people are not as interested in your experiences abroad as you had hoped.
    • Stage 3Irritability/hostility. As you sense that people may not be as interested as you had hoped you will start feeling:
      • Boredom and restlessness
      • Frustration  and misunderstanding
      • Loneliness and homesickness for where you were
      • Changes in personal relationships and in how you relate to your native culture
    • Stage 4Readjustment/adaptation​​​​​​​